OSMOSE, 11mn, 2022 – extrait

The forest as a living organism, the forest as an image. Osmosis by Laurence Favre succeeds in telling about the sensory through the haptics of her images and the new setting to music of these, creating a mood that stands for itself – special mention Videoex 2023

With its impressive and sensorial 16 mm images and hypnotic sound Osmosis gets along without any commentary or text. The film gives the viewer space to think about the original cycles of nature, of decay and revival and the climatic changes which the forests are going through. In doing so, the filmmaker creates a visual and auditive aspiration that speaks for itself – special mention Latücht prize 2023

FR/ Exploration sensorielle de la forêt et des tensions qui l’habitent, Osmose entremêle images de pure chlorophylle et noirs denses de forêts calcinées. La dynamique de ces cycles de vie et de mort imprégnés de façon picturale sur la pellicule 16mm est amplifiée par une bande sonore articulant des sensations d’angoisse et d’apaisement.
Après le portrait poétique d’un glacier (Résistance, 2017), Osmose est la poursuite d’une plongée dans des environnement donnés à voir comme des métaphores de nos mondes intérieurs.

EN/ A sensory exploration of the forest and the tensions that inhabit it, Osmosis interweaves images of pure chlorophyll and the dense blackness of burnt forests. The dynamics of these cycles of life and death imprinted pictorially on 16mm film are amplified by a soundtrack articulating sensations of anxiety and appeasement.
After the poetic portrait of a glacier (Resistance, 2017), Osmosis pursues an immersion into natural environments that are given to be seen as metaphors of our inner worlds.

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réalisation, image, montage: Laurence Favre
sound design & music: Philippe Ciompi
production: Laurence Favre, Virgule Films
laboratoire: Andec Filmtechnik
digitalisation: Kornmanufaktur
color grading digital version: Sergi Sánchez (Volte)

projet lauréat de la bourse d’oeuvre Landis&Gyr

projections (sélection):
Process experimental film festival (LV)
Videoex Zurich (CH) – special mention
Moving images are still images, Los Angeles (USA)
DokumentART (DE) special mention
achtungberlin (DE)

données techniques:
sans dialogues
format: 16mm

fps: 24
son: optique – mono
ratio: 1:1:37
format: DCP 2K
fps: 24
son: 5.1

photo projection @ process experimental film festival, Riga (LV) ©Tomas Terekas